CCMP is pleased to announce the dates and time for the 2023 Scholarship. If you know some talented youth that would be interested and meet the criteria below, please share.
Saturday, November 18, 2023 at Noon
St. Patrick's Parish 921 Flagship Drive, Mississauga L4Y 2J6
Must be a non-professional vocalist between the ages of 9 - 19
Come prepared to sing one song that will best showcase vocal and performance ability.
Repertoire shall be limited to classical and musical theatre selections.
Please bring double sided sheet music in a binder. A professional accompanist will be provided. Teachers will not be permitted to play for their students nor will participants be allowed accompany themselves.
Competitors will be grouped by age in Junior, Intermediate or Senior categories.
Performances will be adjudicated and a performer from each category will receive a cash award to assist in their future vocal training and development.
Interested vocalists are asked to contact Heidi Cyfko at ccmpscholarship@gmail.com to register. Deadline: November 6, 2023
Click for map - Directions
North: Highway 401
East: South on Dixie Road, east on Dundas Street East, south on Etobicoke Creek
South: Queen Elizabeth Way
West: North on Cawthra Road, Highway 403
More info www.ccmpmusic.com/memorialscholarship